Puppy Training Program

What do they learn?
Name- dogs call name
Ready?- que that for next command/task
Mark- que to watch an object with will be moving for retrieving
Free- marker, dog moves to you for reward or to get the reward
Yes- marker, dog is correct in the training or behavior desired
No- dog is wrong in the training or behavior. Handler will ask again or help guild dog into correct behavior. Then mark with “yes” command when correct.

​Sit- dog is in upright position with tail/rear to the ground.
Here- dog goes to handler when called
Down- laying on the ground
Leave it- dogs leave object alone
Kennel- dog enters their kennel
Climb- dog climbs onto a platform
Inside- dog enters house
Outside- dog goes outside
Go potty- que to have dog relief themselves
Load up- dog loads into vehicle
Loose leash- loose leash walking

Off- for no jumping or on furniture


Introducing to the following:

  • Thunderstorms

  • Fireworks

  • Men

  • Women

  • Children

  • Different situations of people like people wearing sunglasses, hats, etc.

  • Shopping carts

  • Loud Noises

Named Body parts (to be able to regularly care for your dog)





You also get the Online Training Course for Free! That way you can watch training videos and submit your homework, yes there is homework!

How do I sign up?

You can sign up by filling out our form, you will be contacted within business hours. Training Inquiry Form down below or Contact us!